Home > Artworks > Yolanda Marina Ulloa Hernández

Photo of Yolanda Marina Ulloa Hernández Cuba

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Marina Hernández Yolanda Ulloa. Nationality: Cuban. Private Direccin: Cuba Street, 312 and Colonel Bringas y Sociedad Patritica. Rpto La Caridad. cp: 70100 Camagey. Cuba. Telfon: 53 32 280633 Fax: 53 32 280633 Email: ulloayola@yahoo.es http://yolandaulloa.artelista.com/ he was born 18 Junio 1939 en la Ciudad Camagey of Cuba. He graduated at the National Center Enseanza Artstica Havana as a teacher of painting and dibujo....

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Marina Hernández Yolanda Ulloa. Nationality: Cuban. Private Direccin: Cuba Street, 312 and Colonel Bringas y Sociedad Patritica. Rpto La Caridad. cp: 70100 Camagey. Cuba. Telfon: 53 32 280633 Fax: 53 32 280633 Email: ulloayola@yahoo.es http://yolandaulloa.artelista.com/ he was born 18 Junio 1939 en la Ciudad Camagey of Cuba. He graduated at the National Center Enseanza Artstica Havana as a teacher of painting and dibujo. Participated since 1959 in several solo and group exhibitions in and fuera del country. In 1979 he founded and directs the School of Professional Art high school in the province of Camagey. In 1996 and 1999 he gives lectures on the plastic arts in Cuba and the experience pedaggica enseanza del arte en la Escuela de Artes plastic Arturo Michelena Valencia, Venezuela. Works Suyasa is in private collections and cultural centers in the United States, Germany, Italy, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela Others have been there expuestas Hispanic American Studies Center in Seville, Spanish.

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